Akbar Birbal: How Many Crows in the Kingdom Story

Birbal, whose real name was Mohandas, was a celebrated minister in Akbar's court. Akbar was fond of asking tricky questions to his courtiers and getting witty/wise answers/solutions from Birbal.

The story of Akbar and Birbal is most enjoyed by readers of all ages. This is one such witty story about the crow population in Akbar's kingdom. Please read and enjoy.

Flock of BIrbal
Image credit: Kornilov, Vectogrove

How Many Crows In Agra - Akbar Birbal Story

One beautiful morning, Akbar and Birbal were enjoying a walk in the palace gardens. The emperor was delighted to see the beautiful colorful flowers, the surrounding greenery, and the birds chirping. Mother Nature was at her best and Akbar was enjoying his morning walk with Birbal.

During their walk, Akbar noticed crows in the garden. As usual, he thought of a tricky question and asked Birbal to test his wit.

‘What's the number of crows in my kingdom?' said Akbar.

Next, he turned to Birbal and asked, "Birbal, can you answer this?".

"Jahanpana, there are 89,575,875 crows in your kingdom," Birbal replied after reflecting a while.

Akbar was surprised by the quick answer and asked, "How do you know this?".

Jahanpana, you can count the crows in your kingdom," Birbal replied without hesitation.

Akbar, wanting to test Birbal, said, "Okay, I will order you to count crows. But if there are fewer crows than you said?".

Birbal spontaneously replied, "The rest of the crows mean that they took a vacation to friends and relatives in the neighboring countries.

And if there are more crows than you said .....?" Akbar asked.

'Then crows from the nearby countries have come to this land to visit their relatives and friends,' replied Birbal.

You are actually a clever man, Birbal. I am very happy with your answer," Akbar laughed heartily.

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