Clever Fish Story in English with Summary

Clever Fish Story with Moral

A fisherman was one day fishing in the lake. He dropped his web in the lake. He then sat and waited for the fish, hoping to catch as many as possible and then sell them at the market.

Clever Fish
Clever Fish (Photo Credit Pixabay)

The fisherman looked over his web after a while and concluded that he had simply found a lot of fish. He pulled the web out from the water. Then he noticed that only one little fish was on the web. 

The fish suddenly began to speak to the fisherman. The tiny fish called out to the fisherman: "Oh, human, please let me go." However, the fisherman was not kind to the small fish. 

Again, the small fish begged for help from the fisherman. "Oh fisherman. I will tell you something, which will be of great benefit to you. If you release me, I'll tell my friends about you so that I can bring them here. Also, next time you'll have far more fish.

This is great, said the fisherman. He assumed that if one fish was released today, there would be many tomorrow. 

So, the fisherman allowed the little fish to return to the lake. Quickly, the tiny little fish fled happily into the lake and refused to return.

Poor fisherman arrived the next day, hoping that the tiny fish would bring lots of fish. They will also be sold on the open market, which will allow him to make even more money. But, the tiny fish was extremely smart and saved his life with his brilliant brain.

Moral of the Clever Fish Story

Size does not matter, intelligence and wisdom matter.


How did the little fish slip back into the water?

The little fish slipped back into the water by fooling the fisherman.

What did the little fish believe?

The little fish believed that if he was large like other fishes then he would be happier. But, later on, he realized that the brain is mightier than the brawn.

Why was the little fish happy?

The little fish was happy because he realized that being small he has many advantages. It is because of his tiny size that he was able to escape from the fisherman’s web.

Which is the best moral story?

The clever fish is one of the best moral stories teaching us that size does not matter if you have brains.

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